Calduino  1.0
Calduino Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 Calduino ()
boolean begin (EMSSerial *_calduinoSerial, Stream *debugSerial=NULL)
boolean printEMSDatagram (EMSDatagramID eMSDatagramID, DatagramDataIndex datagramDataIndex=ERROR_VALUE)
byte getCalduinoByteValue (ByteRequest typeIdx)
float getCalduinoFloatValue (FloatRequest typeIdx)
unsigned long getCalduinoUlongValue (ULongRequest typeIdx)
boolean getCalduinoBitValue (BitRequest typeIdx)
SwitchPoint getCalduinoSwitchPoint (EMSDatagramID selProgram, byte switchPointID)
boolean setWorkModeHC (byte selHC, byte selMode)
boolean setTemperatureHC (byte selHC, byte selMode, byte selTmp)
boolean setProgramHC (byte selHC, byte selProgram)
boolean setSWThresholdTempHC (byte selHC, byte selTmp)
boolean setNightSetbackModeHC (byte selHC, byte selMode)
boolean setNightThresholdOutTempHC (byte selHC, int8_t selTmp)
boolean setRoomTempOffsetHC (byte selHC, int8_t selTmp)
boolean setPauseModeHC (byte selHC, byte duration)
boolean setPartyModeHC (byte selHC, byte duration)
boolean setHolidayModeHC (byte selHC, byte startHolidayDay, byte startHoldidayMonth, byte startHolidayYear, byte endHolidayDay, byte endHoldidayMonth, byte endHolidayYear)
boolean setHomeHolidayModeHC (byte selHC, byte startHomeHolidayDay, byte startHomeHoldidayMonth, byte startHomeHolidayYear, byte endHomeHolidayDay, byte endHomeHoldidayMonth, byte endHomeHolidayYear)
boolean setWorkModeDHW (byte selMode)
boolean setWorkModePumpDHW (byte selMode)
boolean setTemperatureDHW (byte selTmp)
boolean setTemperatureTDDHW (byte selTmp)
boolean setProgramDHW (byte selProgram)
boolean setProgramPumpDHW (byte selProgram)
boolean setOneTimeDHW (boolean selMode)
boolean setWorkModeTDDHW (byte selMode)
boolean setDayTDDHW (byte dayTherDisDHW)
boolean setHourTDDHW (byte hourTherDisDHW)
boolean setProgramSwitchPoint (EMSDatagramID selProgram, byte switchPointID, byte operationSwitchPoint, byte daySwitchPoint, byte hourSwitchPoint, byte minuteSwitchPoint)

Public Attributes

PrintFormat printFormat

Detailed Description

Definition at line 630 of file Calduino.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Calduino()

Calduino::Calduino ( )

Calduino constructor method. Initialize variables.

Definition at line 1299 of file Calduino.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

boolean Calduino::begin ( EMSSerial _calduinoSerial,
Stream *  _debugSerial = NULL 

Start the Calduino device assigning the serial streams used.

[in,out]_calduinoSerial- UART port used to communicate with the EMS Serial.
[in,out]_debugSerial- Optional stream to report errors and status.
True if there is communication with the EMS Buffer, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1315 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ getCalduinoBitValue()

boolean Calduino::getCalduinoBitValue ( BitRequest  typeIdx)

Get a Calduino Data of type Bit.

typeIdxIdentifier of the Calduino Data Bit requested.
The value of the Calduino Data requested, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1849 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ getCalduinoByteValue()

byte Calduino::getCalduinoByteValue ( ByteRequest  typeIdx)

Get a Calduino Data of type Byte.

typeIdxIdentifier of the Calduino Data Byte requested.
The value of the Calduino Data requested, ERROR_VALUE otherwise.

Definition at line 1732 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ getCalduinoFloatValue()

float Calduino::getCalduinoFloatValue ( FloatRequest  typeIdx)

Get a Calduino Data of type Float.

typeIdxIdentifier of the Calduino Data Float requested.
The value of the Calduino Data requested, NAN otherwise.

Definition at line 1771 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ getCalduinoSwitchPoint()

SwitchPoint Calduino::getCalduinoSwitchPoint ( EMSDatagramID  selProgram,
byte  switchPointID 

Get a Calduino Data of type Switch Point.

selProgramIdentifier of the Calduino Data Bit requested.
switchPointIDIdentifier for the switch point.
The value of the Calduino Data requested, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1889 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ getCalduinoUlongValue()

unsigned long Calduino::getCalduinoUlongValue ( ULongRequest  typeIdx)

Get a Calduino Data of type ULong.

typeIdxIdentifier of the Calduino Data ULong requested.
The value of the Calduino Data requested, NAN otherwise.

Definition at line 1810 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ printEMSDatagram()

boolean Calduino::printEMSDatagram ( EMSDatagramID  eMSDatagramID,
DatagramDataIndex  datagramDataIndex = ERROR_VALUE 

Get the EMS Datagram passed as parameter by sending a get EMS command and parsing the bytes obtained. If datagramDataIndex is ERROR_VALUE, get the whole datagram. Get only the Data Index otherwise. If debug is activated the results will be sent to the Debug Serial Stream following the print format activated.

eMSDatagramID- The EMS Datagram ID to be obtained.
datagramDataIndex- (Optional) If not ERROR_VALUE, the position that the data to be recovered occupies in the calduinoDataValues array.
True if it succeeds, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1936 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setDayTDDHW()

boolean Calduino::setDayTDDHW ( byte  dayTDDHW)

Send an EMS command to change the thermal disinfection DHW running day. It will run once per week at the selected daySwitchPoint and hour, or once per day if dayTDDHW is 7.

dayTDDHWDay of the week to run the thermal disinfection (7 is everyday).
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2562 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setHolidayModeHC()

boolean Calduino::setHolidayModeHC ( byte  selHC,
byte  startHolidayDay,
byte  startHoldidayMonth,
byte  startHolidayYear,
byte  endHolidayDay,
byte  endHoldidayMonth,
byte  endHolidayYear 

Send an EMS command to configure Holidays mode between start and end daySwitchPoint.

selHCThe heating circuit to modify (1 is HC1, 2 is HC2, 3 is HC3 and 4 is HC4).
startHolidayDayThe start holiday day.
startHoldidayMonthThe start holdiday month.
startHolidayYearThe start holiday year.
endHolidayDayThe end holiday dat.
endHoldidayMonthThe end holdiday month.
endHolidayYearThe end holiday year.
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2327 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setHomeHolidayModeHC()

boolean Calduino::setHomeHolidayModeHC ( byte  selHC,
byte  startHomeHolidayDay,
byte  startHomeHoldidayMonth,
byte  startHomeHolidayYear,
byte  endHomeHolidayDay,
byte  endHomeHoldidayMonth,
byte  endHomeHolidayYear 

Send an EMS command to configure Home Holiday mode (saturday configuration) between start and end daySwitchPoint.

selHCThe heating circuit to modify (1 is HC1, 2 is HC2, 3 is HC3 and 4 is HC4).
startHomeHolidayDayThe start home holiday day.
startHomeHoldidayMonthThe start home holdiday month.
startHomeHolidayYearThe start home holiday year.
endHomeHolidayDayThe end home holiday.
endHomeHoldidayMonthThe end home holdiday month.
endHomeHolidayYearThe end home holiday year.
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2366 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setHourTDDHW()

boolean Calduino::setHourTDDHW ( byte  hourTDDHW)

Send an EMS command to change the thermal disinfection DHW program. It will run once per week at the selected daySwitchPoint and hour, or once per day if dayTDDHW is 7.

hourTDDHWHour of the week to run the thermal disinfection.
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2585 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setNightSetbackModeHC()

boolean Calduino::setNightSetbackModeHC ( byte  selHC,
byte  selMode 

Send an EMS command to configure the night setback mode in the selected heating circuit.

selHCThe heating circuit to modify (1 is HC1, 2 is HC2, 3 is HC3 and 4 is HC4).
selModeThe desired setback mode (0 - Shutdown, 1 - Reduced Operation, 2 - Room Setback, 3 - Outdoor Setback).
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2193 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setNightThresholdOutTempHC()

boolean Calduino::setNightThresholdOutTempHC ( byte  selHC,
int8_t  selTmp 

Send an EMS command to configure the night setback outside temperature threshold in the selected heating circuit. This temperature is only considered if night setback mode is set to 3 (Outdoor Setback).

selHCThe heating circuit to modify (1 is HC1, 2 is HC2, 3 is HC3 and 4 is HC4).
selTmpThe desired outside temperature to switch between shutdown and reduced mode.
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2220 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setOneTimeDHW()

boolean Calduino::setOneTimeDHW ( boolean  selMode)

Send an EMS command to set the warm watter one time function on or off.

selModeTrue to enable one time function, false to disable it.
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2652 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setPartyModeHC()

boolean Calduino::setPartyModeHC ( byte  selHC,
byte  duration 

Send an EMS command to configure party mode in duration hours in the selected heating circuit. the heating circuit to modify (1 is HC1, 2 is HC2, 3 is HC3 and 4 is HC4). the desired duration of the party mode.

selHCThe heating circuit to modify (1 is HC1, 2 is HC2, 3 is HC3 and 4 is HC4).
durationThe desired duration of the party mode.
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2297 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setPauseModeHC()

boolean Calduino::setPauseModeHC ( byte  selHC,
byte  duration 

Send an EMS command to configure pause mode in duration hours in the selected heating circuit.

selHCThe heating circuit to modify (1 is HC1, 2 is HC2, 3 is HC3 and 4 is HC4).
durationThe desired duration of the pause mode.
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2271 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setProgramDHW()

boolean Calduino::setProgramDHW ( byte  selProgram)

Send an EMS command to change the DHW program.

selProgramThe working program to be set (0 = like the heating circuit, 255 = own program).
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2492 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setProgramHC()

boolean Calduino::setProgramHC ( byte  selHC,
byte  selProgram 

Send an EMS command to set the selected RC35 heating circuit to the desired program. the heating circuit to modify (1 is HC1, 2 is HC2, 3 is HC3 and 4 is HC4). the working program to set (0x00 = User 1, 0x01 = Family, 0x02 = Morning, 0x03 = Early morning, 0x04 = Evening, 0x05 = Midmorning, 0x06 = Afternoon, 0x07 = Midday, 0x08 = Single, 0x09 = Senioren, 0x0A User2).

selHCThe heating circuit to modify (1 is HC1, 2 is HC2, 3 is HC3 and 4 is HC4).
selProgramThe the working program to set (0x00 = User 1, 0x01 = Family, 0x02 = Morning, 0x03 = Early morning, 0x04 = Evening, 0x05 = Midmorning, 0x06 = Afternoon, 0x07 = Midday, 0x08 = Single, 0x09 = Senioren, 0x0A User2).
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2141 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setProgramPumpDHW()

boolean Calduino::setProgramPumpDHW ( byte  selProgram)

Send an EMS command to change the Pump DHW program.

selProgramThe working program to be set (0 = like the heating circuit, 255 = own program).
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2516 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setProgramSwitchPoint()

boolean Calduino::setProgramSwitchPoint ( EMSDatagramID  selProgram,
byte  switchPointID,
byte  operationSwitchPoint,
byte  daySwitchPoint,
byte  hourSwitchPoint,
byte  minuteSwitchPoint 

Send an EMS command to change an specific switch point in the program passed as parameter.

selProgramThe selected program to be updated.
switchPointIDIdentifier for the switch point.
operationSwitchPointThe operation to be performed in the switch point (0 - off/night, 1 - on/day, 7 - undefined).
daySwitchPointDay of the week (0 - monday, ..., 6 - sunday).
hourSwitchPointHour of the day (0 to 23).
minuteSwitchPointMinute (The minimum time between switching points is 10 min).
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2614 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setRoomTempOffsetHC()

boolean Calduino::setRoomTempOffsetHC ( byte  selHC,
int8_t  selTmp 

Send an EMS command to configure the room temperature offset in the selected heating circuit. This value shifts left and right the heating characteristic curve.

selHCThe heating circuit to modify (1 is HC1, 2 is HC2, 3 is HC3 and 4 is HC4).
selTmpThe desired offset temperature.
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2246 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setSWThresholdTempHC()

boolean Calduino::setSWThresholdTempHC ( byte  selHC,
byte  selTmp 

Send an EMS command to configure the temperature for summer / winter threshold switchpoint in the selected heating circuit.

selHCThe heating circuit to modify (1 is HC1, 2 is HC2, 3 is HC3 and 4 is HC4).
selTmpThe desired Summer / Winter Threshold temperature.
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2167 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setTemperatureDHW()

boolean Calduino::setTemperatureDHW ( byte  selTmp)

Send an EMS command to set the desired temperature in the Domestic How Water System.

selTmpThe desired temperature to be configured.
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2444 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setTemperatureHC()

boolean Calduino::setTemperatureHC ( byte  selHC,
byte  selMode,
byte  selTmp 

Send an EMS command to set in the selected RC35 heating circuit and Mode, the desired temperature.

selHCThe heating circuit to modify (1 is HC1, 2 is HC2, 3 is HC3 and 4 is HC4).
selModeThe working mode to be configured (0-night, 1-day, 2-holidays).
selTmpThe desired temperature (multiplied by two, originally in increments of 0,5).
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2109 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setTemperatureTDDHW()

boolean Calduino::setTemperatureTDDHW ( byte  selTmp)

Send an EMS command to set the desired disinfection temperature in the Domestic How Water System.

selTmpThe desired temperature to be configured.
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2468 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setWorkModeDHW()

boolean Calduino::setWorkModeDHW ( byte  selMode)

Send an EMS command to set the DHW working mode. the working mode to be configured (0-off, 1-on, 2-auto)

selModeThe working mode to be configured (0-off, 1-on, 2-auto).
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2398 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setWorkModeHC()

boolean Calduino::setWorkModeHC ( byte  selHC,
byte  selMode 

Send an EMS command to set the selected RC35 heating circuit to the desired Mode

selHCThe heating circuit to modify (1 is HC1, 2 is HC2, 3 is HC3 and 4 is HC4).
selModeThe selected working mode to be configured (0-night, 1-day, 2-auto/program).
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2082 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setWorkModePumpDHW()

boolean Calduino::setWorkModePumpDHW ( byte  selMode)

Send an EMS command to set the DHW Pump working mode.

selModeThe working mode to be configured (0-off, 1-on, 2-auto)
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2421 of file Calduino.cpp.

◆ setWorkModeTDDHW()

boolean Calduino::setWorkModeTDDHW ( byte  selMode)

Send an EMS command to change the thermal disinfection DHW working mode.

selMode255 to enable thermal disinfection DHW function, 0 to disable it.
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Definition at line 2539 of file Calduino.cpp.

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